Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Yard Tramp Stunts

Eli, man, he's beginning a Bean Sprout trick-out over the iron gate.
Don't pop your nodes! I warn and shout over the bending cringing springs.
That's a sure hurt thing that we would have to call a doctor for man. Eli, man, stop that trampin'; ya can't clear the fence. Eli let beams from is his sickly eyes over through the trees and iron fence, always noticing whenever that the family with that little girl did not take down holiday lights from their gutter. He thought there were gun shots when they put them up years ago, and he only came to find that they were staple-gunned hanging christmas lights that now needed to come down sooner or later. But he shouldn't have been jumping with his nodes the size of cashews, pumping up to like jumbo-jelly bean range now.

Can't impress a girl with those, Eli, man, anyway, they're bulging outta your groin on the edge of your bush! So what good is the tramp jump just over the staked iron gate gonna get for you. The damn man, that girl's dad, who clawed the staple thing looks goddamn mean too. Fuck! There's that daughter over there who goes around and lets her sexy strap hang over her shoulders. She's twirling around in the grass just over the fence.

I can see her hair Eli says.
He just owns a washeteria, laundromat, thing. He can't do nothing to me. I can run! Fast on the track, coach told me, after I puked the other day.

It's those nodes, man, don't do it.

Man he looked cool under the sun. Like bullet-time.

Tramp jump over to the fluff turf was a real success. Eli dusted his stained jean knees and posed to the girl if her father was home, and she immediately shook her quick neck, her black hair lifting like an old good pirates dress. You don't like those hanging lights do you? Well let's take them down. They were going to have their first kiss under snapping off staples and swinging christmas light wires until the laundro-man came from behind a bush, burning or something it sounded like, shattering the bulbs of the lights in the grass. He must have been waiting for their little stunt shit to be commencing, when he started hitting the head of Eli with a shoe and spanking his daughters ass with it, and that's the point when the nodes explode and Eli really got the rest of his legs discolored, and the girl didn't play outside anymore. No coming over to Eli's for the tramp stunts.

I'm telling my mom all this. Eli, man, you got the shingles! Can't be doing tramp jumps all over the damn place. Not for a some girl.


leandra.b said...


leandra.b said...

the words are never there because my heartshell crumpled and exploded and i can't find them anymore

I also typed "methness" instead of "menthess". Bobby will think it's a band name.